Monday, 4 September 2017

Banana Phone

Banana Phone
For this task we were given six different shots to produce for the song banana phone. my first shot was the cloning shot where it was 3 different shots cloned together to look like i am featuring three times in the same shot. this worked to extent as i am clearly seen 'cloned' within the shot, however, the lighting of the background and the sky in the background is different for each shot which can be clearly seen so therefore is not 100% accurate and therefore is an issue and somewhere i could improve on which is choosing a still image background which will work better. Also the camera work could be improved as it is seen to be moving and a little shaky so a tripod should be used to make sure the camera is perfectly still. The Lego animation shot worked well as it can be seen to flow and look like a continuous video , however as before , the same problem occurred as I used my mobile phone so therefore did not have a tripod or anything to hold the phone still so the background can be seen to slightly moved on each picture so this can show a weakness in the overall Lego animation shot.
The last shot worked well as the size between myself in the video and the lego figure we used as a small object was the same size to start off with which was the main objective to achieve in this shot so this shot was a success.
The shot of me walking backwards could have been improved as the camera did not follow like a tracking shot but stood still and just the camera rotated to follow the walking which did not work as well and This is the one shot that could have been improved the most.


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Evaluation Q4 - What have you learned from your audience feedback?

What have you learned from your audience feedback?